MISSION: To be the industry leader in Automation Controls and Management Technology Solutions and Support. Our innovative and knowledge based solutions will provide our customers with “best of breed” solutions tailored to their specific needs. Our expertise combined with experience anywhere, anytime provides our customers with a responsive and agile capability required to accomplish our mission as a best value to our customers.
Tenn-Tech Automation Controls Inc. uses a multi-discipline approach to expertise, which encompasses not only automation controls but the functional areas in which automation controls are applied. These include:
- Electrical Site Supervisors
- Rigging and Machinery Settings Supervisors
- Information Technology Experts*
- Pipefitters*
- Control Engineers
- Mechanical Piping Site Supervisors
- Robot Programmers*
- Electricians*
- Millwrights*
*Note: These areas of expertise are available but not a permanent part of the employment portfolio. Combined with the other areas of expertise within our capability portfolio Tenn-Tech can assist the customer with design of control and management system, building preparation to production and complete installation.
GOALS: There are a number of strategic goals that we have established in line with our vision. These are delineated into near and longer term goals. Along with these goals are specific objectives that allow Tenn-Tech to focus efforts in achieving goals. In some cases, the objectives necessary to achieve near term goals allow us to phase in our longer term goals.
Near-Term Goals:
- Expand the current customer base
- Expand the current contract employee base
- Expand service offerings
- To complete a market survey of potential customers within 90 days.
- To interview current and potential customers to determine desirable service and product offerings not currently part of our business model.
- Perform risk analysis on potential expansion of service and product offerings.
- Identify sources of expertise that fit current business approach and are available for employment.
- Implement pilot of expanded service and product offerings using a pre-established “success target” assessment plan.
Long-Term Goals – Five Year Plan
- Establish International Customer Base.
- Modify business model to gain flexibility and increase responsiveness
- Improve market position to increase competitiveness in new and large project proposals.
- Improve business capability in engineering and project management.
- Identify current and potential US based customers that have a global presence.
- Develop business plan to provide globally responsive service and product offerings.
- Develop marketing plan to introduce customers to the capability to provide global service and product offerings of the same quality and competitiveness as US based capability.
- Identify internationally available sources of expertise to provide services and products.
- Identify US based sources of expertise that will respond globally.
- Establish assessment plan for global support success.
- Implement global support on a limited basis using the global success-oriented assessment model.
Near term goals, being focused in the United States and developing a broader base of areas of expertise, will provide the additional experiential knowledge necessary to enhance service and product offerings across the customer base. This approach directly supports the longer term goals. International support and global offerings may be more difficult in some areas due to technical and legal restrictions on the use of foreign sources of expertise. This means that local expertise would have to be used to support some foreign customers. The additional knowledge gained form partnering with foreign automation control experts may be equally applicable to US customers and vice versa creating a much more dynamic capability than previously possible.
Financially, the broader US base will allow for the start up period to be sustained without significant risk to the company as a whole. This approach translates to a possibly more robust start up in the global market which may also be an opportunity to decrease risk.
Opportunities: The reputation of Tenn-Tech and the improving of the manufacturing sector as well as the opportunities provided to customers for continuous improvement through the Tenn-Tech approach encourages expansion of the customer base not only within the United States, but globally. This will guard against the impact resulting from loss of customers in a smaller business base. The opportunities for experiential knowledge gain in the larger market also provide opportunities to design and develop “best of breed” approaches to management control of processes and the overall business enterprise.
The increase in manufacturing over the last year provides an opportunity to upgrade capability within existing customer base, providing even better control capability than originally designed.
The realization of the established goals creates additional opportunities not only for benchmarking but for establishing partnerships, collaboration groups, and communities of interest to share approaches, processes, knowledge, and assessments on a much larger scale than is currently possible, thereby increasing Tenn-Tech’s knowledge value to its customers.